Leland van den Daele

Category: Government

  • Fixing the Broken Branch

    Fixing the Broken Branch

    The Legislative branch represents the voice of the people and the states. Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution vests all legislative powers in Congress. Neither the President nor the Supreme Court possess legislative authority. This is a central tenet of the separation of powers between the departments of the federal government. To fulfill its…

  • The Covid-19 Debate

    The Covid-19 Debate

    Americans are divided over the distribution and severity of the Covid-19 virus. A wide swath of Americans view the virus as a variant of flu with its dire effects greatly overstated. On the other hand, mainstream public health officials and establishment media emphasize the dangers and risks of the virus and its threat to health…

  • Streamlining the Executive Branch of the United States

    Streamlining the Executive Branch of the United States

    The US Constitution is brilliant for its simplicity and eloquence: The Legislative branch makes laws expressing the will of the people that embody different geographies, industries, and demographics; the Executive branch executes the will of the Legislature as defined by law; and the Judicial branch hears grievances about conflicts that arise from the constitutionality, legitimacy,…