Leland van den Daele

Category: Uncategorized

  • Karma, Fate, & God’s Will

    Karma, Fate, & God’s Will

    The Hindus and Buddhists seem to believe that the universe is essentially an orderly place, and that in the human condition, the person’s initial social position, temperament, dispositions, abilities, and net positive and negative circumstances derive from past actions. So far so good, but because the universe is not only orderly, but also fair, the…

  • Politically Correct Mania

    Politically Correct Mania

    Four years ago, I was invited to contribute a chapter to a proposed book titled, “The impact of speech complaints on instructors in higher education.” This is an unlikely title to stir a runaway best seller. What motivated the book’s editors was personal experience of toxic political correctness upon collegiality, course content, and employment. Professors…